Words can’t describe the wonderfulness of returning to the Bram Stoker Int’l Film Fest (at least not in my current jet-lagged state – I shall make a proper attempt with loads of photos in the coming days.)
I can’t thank the wonderful programmers, participants and people of Whitby enough for another experience of a lifetime. And to top it all off, trippin’ won Best Screenplay! My dear friends Lis and Brenda Fies won Best International Feature! (and fest buddy Kody Zimmerman won best short film – congrats!) It was a truly magical time. Alas, however, the new semester begins tomorrow and I have classes to prep now, but a full detailed account is forthcoming, I swear…
Back from Bram and Totally Stokered!
Posted in Diary of a Directrix, News, On the Fest CircuitOctober 19th, 2010 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
Just read this now… Amazing! Unfortunate I didn’t get to stick around to witness the awards…