He isn’t, but if he were, he’d be one of these guys (or gals, or asexual ETs…)
If God Were One of Us, He’d Be…
November 28th, 2009 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
…Brian McLaughlin, our second deified Deviant. yay, Brian!
Brian has been working tirelessly over the past 8 months cleaning up sound, adding sound design and mixing it down into both 5.1 surround sound and LTRT – which is apparently a major bitch, but a necessary evil for Digi-beta masters, so thanks for taking another one for the team, Man! Read the rest of this entry »
If God Were One of Us…
September 17th, 2009 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
Deviant God Ian Strandberg
On a triumphant day for trippin’ a few months back, Kenny Dusek, who plays “Joe” in the movie and is also my roommate in our “armaghetto chic” pad in Los Feliz, quoted this cheesy song in praise of one of our teammates for a job well done. Since that time we offer our kudos to a particularly valuable member of the team on a regular basis. So this week, if God were one of us he’d be Ian Strandberg. Read the rest of this entry »