HULU — and Goodbye, Trippin’ Blog!
November 1st, 2013 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
Wow – it’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since THIS happened. Every year is so different from the next, I feel like I’ve lived a couple dozen lives by now. And TRIPPIN’ continues to have its own lives, too. Who’d’ve thunk it way back when as we traipsed through the woods with buckets of gore for two weeks and no budget to speak of?
Yes, it’s been quite a journey over the years with the filmmaking, festivals, travels and other assorted adventures. But I think it’s time to bring this blog to its rightful end rather than just leave it sitting here neglected, wondering if any more’s to come.
Luckily we get to end on a high note. TRIPPIN’s now available on HULU! Check it out if you’re so inclined. Hell, you can even watch it on your phone – we won’t stop you (though the drug trip puppet scene’s far more fun on the big screen.)
Our little movie’s had quite the life and we hope you’ve enjoyed the zany ride as much as we have. Thanks for following our adventures. FYI, many of the original Deviants are still collaborating on some upcoming projects – some just for fun like our web series MARTINI MOM & DEVIL SPAWN, others of a larger scale with actual budgets (which likely won’t go public for another year or two – bigger projects take more time.)
Meanwhile, I’m not very public myself these days, but suffice it to say I’m trying desperately to curb my gypsy travel habits for a spell (oh, but I’m so in love with Barcelona — the puppets! — no, no, no – aback you evil gypsy mind curse!) so I can focus on my latest passion – fiction writing (I’m being published next month!) — and gearing up for our next, most ambitious film and transmedia project yet.
News on all of that is forthcoming, but not right away and likely not here. As such, this blog bids you adieu and thanks you for following us and being a part of this super fun journey!
Cheers, Devi
We Spilled Our Guts – Static MultiMedia Listened…
December 26th, 2012 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
A big round of thanks to Martini Mom‘s champion R. O’Donnell over at Static MultiMedia for his piece about all things Spawn. You can read the full story HERE. And catch up on episodes of our wacky new web series 1-7 HERE. Up next Episode 8 p where we visit the set of THE HOBBIT to find out what happened…
A Deviant Update
December 19th, 2012 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
Season’s Greetings, One and All!
We here at Deviant Pictures haven’t been super public of late as we’re embroiled in a daunting load of projects (as a team and individually) which hasn’t afforded us much time to stop and write about it. While most won’t be available for public consumption for another 2 years—they’re rather bigger than past efforts and subsequently take more time—we have, in the interim, thrown together a wacky little web series just to keep the family together and remember our roots – sort of like a ‘family vacation’, only fun (well it is for us anyway, we hope you agree.)
Check out our latest Episode 7 of MARTINI MOM & DEVIL SPAWN – “The Screaming of the Hams” – as well as episodes 1-6 right HERE.
Happy New Year!
Devi & Co-Conspirators
Latest Trippin’ Review – Wow!
April 27th, 2012 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
Congrats, Team – I think you’ll be particularly pleased by TRIPPIN’s latest review. Thanks to blogger Matthew Scott Baker for his kind words found HERE: Nice!
Our First Amazon Review! And more Spawn Reviews, too!
April 20th, 2012 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
How fun! I just discovered that somebody left a review for TRIPPIN’ on Amazon. Check it out HERE. I feel so grown up. Nifty. Thanks, Kind Stranger! Meanwhile, we’ve gotten some more promising reviews for MARTINI MOM & DEVIL SPAWN. Check them out here: and Yippee! Go, Team!