Help Travis Keep His Soul…
April 5th, 2011 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
Friend of trippin‘ TRAVIS BETZ, continues to make waves with his wonderfully, whimsical, dark, funny and utterly original filmmaking endeavors. We just caught his awesome latest feature THE DEAD INSIDE (coming to the LOS FELIZ 3 cinemas next month – don’t miss it!) at the Phoenix Film fest this past weekend where he most deservedly won the BREAK OUT FILMMAKER AWARD (go, Travis!) and now he’s up for another big opportunity which guarantees to preserve his soul. We all win when the good guys do, so vote once a day at the following link and make a difference: Read the rest of this entry »
Return of Friends of trippin’ – Meet the Minds Behind Mental Slapstick!
September 14th, 2010 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
Yesterday as I dropped my manuscript off with FedEx, down to the wire, but deadline met nonetheless, I had 2 immediate thoughts: first – “Whoa, you’re a Red Hot Chili Pepper! (Flea was jogging past. We exchanged an odd, sustained look at one another.
I don’t know what was going on in his head, but having been writing a bug-laden story all weekend, I was reminded of a moment in Close Encounters of the Third Kind when Richard Dreyfuss looked at a pile of mashed potatoes on his plate and declared, “This means something.” Clearly I, too, was delirious, but I digress.) The second thought was, I must call Stephanie at once! Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: alec boehm, gandhi at the bat, mental slapstick, stephanie argy, the red machine
TRAVIS BETZ: My New Religion, Sample His Kool-Aid…
April 4th, 2010 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
Usually on Easter, Agustin and I cook a rabbit and watch zombie films – just seems fitting somehow. After all, Jesus was like the ultimate re-animated dude and the bunny, well that should be self-explanatory.
Alas, A’s on the other side of the country and I’m steeped in work up to my eyeballs , so no rabbit/zombie soup for me.
However, this evening I get to take a brief respite as a guest on the podcast of filmmaking fest buddy Travis Betz, flickfights . Which reminds me, I’ve been horribly remiss with our FRIENDS OF tRIPPIN’ section on the blog. So, without further ado, I give you TRAVIS BETZ, friend of trippin’ and so much more… Read the rest of this entry »
A Must-See Film!
February 23rd, 2010 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)
The manager at our favorite liquor store offered us a nice bottle of wine for a ridiculously low price warning us that about 1 in 4 of the bottles had bad corks, so it was sort of a gamble. He went on to explain how one must always have a back-up bottle of wine or two because you can never really know for sure how a bottle’s bound to taste even if it’s supposed to be great. The fellow said once upon a time he’d drink the bottle regardless, feeling it was wrong to waste it. But now he realizes life is too short for bad wine and if it’s still no good after breathing for 20 minutes, he tosses it. Agustin and I were musing how this is not unlike movies…
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Beyond Tex Massacre: It’s Tim Anderson!
December 17th, 2009 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)

I get a lot of e-mails from strangers. Some lead to lasting friendships, others to restraining orders. Somehow I knew there could be nothing bad about an e-mail from a fellow by the name of “Tex Massacre” requesting copies of my films for reviews. This is how I met Tim Anderson several years ago. Read the rest of this entry »