Congrats, Team! Death in Charge has won both the audience and jury awards for best film and Marina Benedict received the best performance award at the Knoxville Horror Film Festival – Sweet! Fest buddy Dave Reda won the “funniest film” for his awesome music video “The Horror of Our Love.”
Death’s screening at 2 fests this weekend – Carnival of Darkness and the Tabloid Witch Awards – hope to see some of you there (cast/crew – let me know if you need passes) Also, trippin’ got a nice nod from Significant Kinks after its Whitby screening.
Speaking of which, I’m still catching up with life back in the States (it’s a new semester and I’m teaching 2 classes plus prepping for the AFM and tackling a writing deadline on top of the usual madness), but a full blog account on The Bram Stoker Film Festival is still to come. In the meantime – HAPPY HALLOWEEN!