Taking a Ride with Lee Perkins

Posted in Friends of trippin'
November 9th, 2009 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)

Lee - Mason518JSSZ3JGL._SL500_AA240_I met actor Lee Perkins at the Shriekfest Film Festival four years ago.  I was there with Confederate Zombie Massacre! He was there with Katiebird:  Certifiable Crazy Person directed by  Justin Paul Ritter, but I didn’t get the chance to see it at that time. Perhaps if I had, I would have been less likely to get in a car with Lee, who plays a very convincing effed-up serial killer in the movie.  But I wouldn’t see this impressive performance until it screened with Teenage Bikini Vampire the following month at the Halloween Horror Picture Show in Tampa. In Ybor City (my fave part of Florida and home to the oh so fab nightclub The Castle where I actually once danced with the Devil himself!)vampire we got to hang some more and soon discovered we shared several mutual acquaintances, including author/director Greg Lamberson, with whom Lee just shot a new film, Slime City Massacretheredmachine-2Lee would later introduce me to Stephanie Argy, now a dear friend, whose film Red Machine also features Lee.   He’s featured in Ford Austin’s Dahmer Vs. Gacy as well, for which trippin’s own Ian Strandberg is working on visual FX.  You begin to see just how inter-connected the indie horror world truly is.  In addition to being a fabulously talented actor, Lee’s the kind of guy with whom any director should want to work – he’s a wonderful marketer, plugging his films and friends’ films in interviews all over the Net.   He also attends the fests where his films screen, drumming up interest and audiences wherever he goes.  I can’t wait to collaborate with him!

Without further ado, here’s Lee…

Q:  Who are you?

A:  Lee Perkins

Q:  What do you do?

A:  Mostly white women – and I act.

Q:What were the circumstances under which we first met?

A:  I saw this very pale girl with a black hat at Shriekfest.

Q:  Any memorable anecdotes from that encounter?

A:  Yep…you needed a ride.

Q:  What were you working on then?

A:  KatieBird was screening.

Q:  What are you working on now?

A:  Just finished filming “Slime City Massacre” in Buffalo with Debbie Rochon.

Q:  What do you think about film festivals and conventions?

A:  Love them because of the people you meet.

Short on words perhaps, but long on talent.  We’ll keep you posted on Lee’s projects.

( This space co opted by Ian to insert pictures relating to my comment below )

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One Response to “Taking a Ride with Lee Perkins”

  1. I knew Lee’s face from Dahmer vs. Gacy but I could see him from somewhere else as well. After some thought I realized it was my own sketchbook! See above.

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