Posted in Diary of a Directrix, News, Screenings
March 27th, 2012 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)

NZ deviants smabalone smI’m just back from the truly wonderful NEW ZEALAND with 13 hours to spare before the next trip.  Our overseas shoot was a blast and we should be airing it by late June.  Other trip highlights include my first taste of abalone (pictured right – sublime!) and a new-found raging flat-white addiction – just what I need, another vice – d’oh!  Hopefully I’ll have time to blog about the full experience, but it’s been hard to find the time anymore.  The three-ring-circus that is my life gets crazier by the day…gasparilla devi smlow budget coyoteI’ve come home to discover a lovely 3-page layout of the story of Deviant Pictures and TRIPPIN’ in the April issue of FANGORIA (written by yours truly!)  Find out the truth about trippin’s digital penis and other fun Deviant trivia (available at newsstands now!)

Next up, the always fun GASPARILLA FILM FEST in Tampa where DOLORES will screen, followed by a return to Michiana where I’m to give lectures at Notre Dame and the Riverbend Film Fest, plus shoot part of a new episode of MARTINI MOM & DEVIL SPAWN (the series launches in mid-April with our DVD release -  if all goes according to plan…) as well as our new documentary (1 of 2 in the works currently)  Midwesterners can also catch DOLORES at the super awesome Chicago Horror Society’s Fearfest.

Perhaps most exciting is the official launch of pre-production on our next narrative feature.  It’s not the one I expected, which is half the fun.  I do so love surprises (nice ones anyway).  We’re still riding some other development rollercoasters with various projects, but this one just became official.  Updates soon….

pukeko smAs always, my apologies for sucking on the communication front.  I actually had to take an indefinite sabbatical from teaching at the Academy to accommodate the rather intense writing, carved heart tree smfilming and travel schedule I’m juggling over the next few months.  Things should, in theory, calm down for a spell come late June. Perhaps a personal life and communication skills will return then.  Or not.  To quote Wally the Bartender, “one must never be wed to one outcome.”  Words to live by for sure.  Ah, the theme from XANADU just came on my iTUNES – so, now it’s time we dance!  More soon…

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