Mrs. Eagle’s Eyes…

Posted in Cast
March 3rd, 2007 by Rose Waldschmidt

mrs eagle eye smYou always want to look good for a shoot, even if you know you will be covered in blood. So when my friend told me she had some eye cream guaranteed to reduce puffiness, I thought, “what better time to try this the night before shooting Trippin”?

HH7_300The magical cream came in a jar shaped like an eye with gel for the eyelid and cream for under the eye. I used it very sparingly before heading to bed. When I awoke, I was having some difficulty seeing and my glasses didn’t help. Quickly I made my way to the bathroom mirror and to my horror my eyes looked as though I had been stung by bees.

4173A41FSVL._SL500_AA280_PIbundle-2,TopRight,0,0_AA280_SH20_So frantically I start searching my medicine cabinet muttering, “where the hell is that hemorrhoid cream”? Yes, I have hemorrhoid cream in my medicine cabinet. I dab some of the hemorrhoid cream on gently around and under my eyes. Then I take some ice out of the freezer. All this time my cat is meowing at me for his breakfast, after cursing him I feed him. With ice in little plastic bags, I lay down on the couch and put the ice on my eyes. I can’t wait to see my close up.

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