Check Out Our New Web Series!

Posted in Diary of a Directrix, News, Screenings
April 17th, 2012 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)

cutout poster wide sm Drink up, Folks!  MARTINI MOM & DEVIL SPAWN has officially launched. Here’s what early critics are saying:

“…hilarious, sharp and sardonic”  ~Theron Neel,

“…a gonzo horror comedy series which mixes smart dialogue, blood splatter and its own wicked sense of humour.” ~Keri O’Shea,

So pop over to: and check out episode 1:  “The Motherlode” in which our absolutely fabulous heroine unexpectedly births the spawn of Satan mid-martini (don’t you just hate it when that happens?)  Also, while you’re there, check out our new youtube channel and if you really want to be a pal, maybe even subscribe.  Thanks for your support!

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