Back from the Trenches

Posted in Diary of a Directrix
February 16th, 2010 by Devi Snively (The Directrix)

Img_DSL_OutsideWorldHello again, Outside World!  How’s it been out here?

The-Letter-Writer-Surprised-c.-1662I just came off of a serious writing bender and, Man, is my head a mess.  First drafts come so easy to me.  I can frequently knock out a feature working a few hours every morning in about five days.  Rewrites are another story. I’ve been working on this one for the past couple of weeks and spent about 30 hours total these last 2 days alone.  I’m sure that sounds like hell to some, and parts of it were, but it was also exhilarating.  It’s complete!   Wow!  Only now I feel so disoriented.  Transitioning back into the real world is often hard when one’s been off in a fantasy world of her own making.  writerI miss my imaginary friends, our old haunts, those who’ve passed away (rather brutally in this one – sniffle) and those who’ve ridden off into the sunset never to return.  And now I’m faced with all this neglected work – pre-production for Dolores, 2 more writing deadlines before month’s end, seriously overdue e-mail correspondence (sorry, Everybody!), travel arrangements (going to Gasparilla Fest in Tampa – one of my fave destinations!) and distribution details to solidify just to scratch the surface.  D’oh!

1536391376_256000babePlus, I’m in the Midwest for the next 2 weeks which, though great fun, has disrupted the routine I so efficiently honed in L.A.  this past month.  I was a superwoman of productivity for a blissful 3-week spell, so why oh why do I constantly feel compelled to hop a plane and shake things up?  Why?  Why?!

octopusStill, I suppose it all contributes to the creative process.  Had I not spent the weekend in Chicago engrossed in lively discussion with wonderful old friends whilst dining on succulent delicacies (including grilled octopus at two consecutive meals – sweet! I highly recommend both Blackbird and Iberico’s if you’re in the area), would I have found the same inspiration in my writing? (Thanks, Guys!)   If I weren’t juggling this many projects at once, would I be as quick to finish any of them?   If I had more time to spare, would I spend it as wisely?  And, perhaps most importantly, isn’t variety the spice of life?  hotbutteredrumWho wants to live in sameness day in and day out?  Not me!  Sure it’s a bit nippy here, but it’s sunny, that snow’s ever so pretty and I’m envisioning some quality time  curled up in front of the fireplace with some hot-buttered rum toddy a bit later.  Purrrrrr.

So, to those involved in our current projects, my apologies for the disappearing act.  I have returned and am ready for duty.  That is, until the next bender.  I do have 2 more deadlines this month after all…

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